CHUCK_DIR=../scripting/chuck- current: @echo "[tapestrea build]: please use one of the following:"; @echo " make linux-alsa, make linux-jack, make linux-oss" @echo " make osx, make osx-ub, or make win32" install: @echo "(reminder: must be root to install)" cp $(wildcard taps taps.exe) /usr/bin/; chmod 755 /usr/bin/$(wildcard taps taps.exe) osx: -make -f makefile.osx osx-ppc: -make -f makefile.osx osx-intel: -make -f makefile.osx osx-ub: -make -f makefile.osx-ub linux-oss: -make -f makefile.oss linux-jack: -make -f makefile.jack linux-alsa: -make -f makefile.alsa win32: @echo "No." -make -f makefile.win32 clean: rm -f *.o $(CHUCK_DIR)/*.o *~ $(wildcard taps taps.exe)