/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAPESTREA: Techniques And Paradigms for Expressive Synthesis, Transformation, and Rendering of Environmental Audio Engine and User Interface Copyright (c) 2006 Ananya Misra, Perry R. Cook, and Ge Wang. http://taps.cs.princeton.edu/ http://soundlab.cs.princeton.edu/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: ui_main.cpp // desc: entry point for taps // // authors: Ananya Misra (amisra@cs.princeton.edu) // Philip Davidson (philipd@cs.princeton.edu) // Ge Wang (gewang@cs.princeton.edu) // Perry R. Cook (prc@cs.princeton.edu) // date: Spring 2006 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ui_audio.h" #include "ui_analysis.h" #include "ui_synthesis.h" #include "ui_control.h" #include "ui_group.h" #include "ui_library.h" #include "ui_search.h" #ifdef __TAPS_SCRIPTING_ENABLE__ #include "ui_scripting.h" #endif #include "audicle_elcidua.h" #include "audicle_def.h" #include "audicle_gfx.h" #include "audicle.h" #include "taps_cmd.h" #include #include #ifdef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ #include #else #include #endif // version #define TAPS_VERSION "" // function prototype void print_usage(); void version(); #ifdef __MACOSX_CORE__ #include #include #include // free void osx_increase_file_handles() { struct rlimit limit; int err; err = getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); if (err == 0) { limit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; (void) setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); } } #endif #ifdef __PLATFORM_LINUX__ #include int g_argc; char ** g_argv; // gtk thread void * cb_gtk( void * ) { // init gtk_init( &g_argc, &g_argv ); // just run it gtk_main(); return NULL; } CHUCK_THREAD g_gtk_id; #endif // network stuff extern ck_socket taps_sock; t_TAPINT taps_port = 9999; CHUCK_THREAD taps_tid_cmd = 0; char taps_host[256] = ""; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: main() // desc: entry point //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { // you know srand( time( NULL ) ); // fullscreen t_TAPBOOL fullscreen = TRUE; // log set by user? t_TAPBOOL logset = FALSE; // rtaudio channels requested t_TAPUINT channels_out = 2; t_TAPUINT channels_in = 1; // whether the gui is used t_TAPBOOL gui = BirdBrain::our_use_gui = TRUE; // remember #ifdef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ char buffer[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ret = GetEnvironmentVariable( "USERPROFILE", buffer, MAX_PATH ); if( ret ) { BirdBrain::our_start_dir = buffer; // ISSUE: unicode BirdBrain::our_start_dir += "\\Desktop"; } else BirdBrain::our_start_dir = "C:\\"; //_getcwd( NULL, 0 ); #else BirdBrain::our_start_dir = getcwd( NULL, 0 ); #endif #ifdef __MACOSX_CORE__ // limits osx_increase_file_handles(); // sample rate BirdBrain::our_srate = 44100; // no fullscreen = TRUE; #endif #ifdef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ // sample rate BirdBrain::our_srate = 44100; #endif #ifdef __PLATFORM_LINUX__ fullscreen = FALSE; // sample rate BirdBrain::our_srate = 48000; // copy g_argc = argc; g_argv = argv; // init gtk_init( &g_argc, &g_argv ); // go // pthread_create( &g_gtk_id, NULL, cb_gtk, NULL ); #endif // parse arguments t_TAPINT index = 1; while( index < argc ) { // sample rate if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--srate" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { BirdBrain::our_srate = atoi( argv[index] ); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) Setting sample rate to %i Hz", BirdBrain::srate() ); } } // frame rate else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--frate" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { BirdBrain::our_frame_rate = atoi( argv[index] ); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) Setting frame rate to %i frames per second", BirdBrain::frame_rate() ); } } // log level else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--loglevel" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { BB_setlog( atoi( argv[index] ) ); logset = TRUE; } } // number of rtaudio output channels else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--outchannels" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { channels_out = atoi( argv[index] ); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) %u real-time audio output channels requested", channels_out ); } } // number of rtaudio input channels else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--inchannels" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { channels_in = atoi( argv[index] ); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) %u real-time audio input channels requested", channels_in ); } } // rtaudio buffer size else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--bufsize" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { BirdBrain::our_rtaudio_buffer_size = atoi( argv[index] ); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) Setting rtaudio buffer size to %i", BirdBrain::rtaudio_buffer_size() ); } } // maximum record buffer size in seconds else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--maxrecord" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { BirdBrain::our_record_buffer_size = atof( argv[index] ); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) Setting max record buffer size to %f seconds", BirdBrain::record_buffer_size() ); } } // over tracking (sinusoidal analysis) else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--overtracking" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { t_TAPFLOAT ot = atof( argv[index] ); if( ot > 1 ) BirdBrain::our_over_tracking = ot; BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "(main) Setting over tracking factor to %f", BirdBrain::over_tracking() ); } } // preprocess mode (always the last thing) else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--preprocess" ) ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "Preprocess mode" ); Driver jill; jill.set( 512, 4096, 1 ); BirdBrain::our_hop_size = 512 / 4; while( ++index < argc ) { if( !jill.open( argv[index] ) ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "(main) Driver could not open file %s", argv[index] ); continue; } jill.preprocess(); jill.brake(); } return 0; } // set working directory else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--dir" ) ) { if( ++index < argc ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "override working directory: '%s'", argv[index] ); BirdBrain::our_start_dir = argv[index]; } } // no gui else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--nogui" ) ) { BirdBrain::our_use_gui = gui = FALSE; BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "running in no GUI mode" ); } // only show version and quit else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--version" ) ) { version(); exit( 2 ); } // only show usage and quit else if( !strcmp( argv[index], "--about" ) || !strcmp( argv[index], "--help" ) ) { print_usage(); exit( 2 ); } // non else { // otf / command line int is_otf = FALSE; if( cmd_send_cmd( argc, argv, index, taps_host, taps_port, &is_otf ) ) exit(0); // is otf if( is_otf ) exit( 1 ); // nothing print_usage(); BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "error: invalid argument '%s'", argv[index] ); exit( 2 ); } index++; } // set last to start BirdBrain::our_last_open_dir = BirdBrain::our_start_dir; BirdBrain::our_last_save_dir = BirdBrain::our_start_dir; // normal mode // print info version(); // set log if( !logset ) BB_setlog( BB_LOG_INFO ); // start audio if( !AudioCentral::instance()->init( BirdBrain::srate(), BirdBrain::rtaudio_buffer_size(), 128, 8, channels_out, channels_in, BirdBrain::record_buffer_size() ) ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM_ERROR, "Real-time audio initialization error; quitting!" ); return -1; } // gui if( gui ) { // initialize graphics if( !AudicleGfx::init() ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM_ERROR, "Graphics initialization error; quitting!" ); return -2; } // initialize main window if( !AudicleWindow::main()->init( 1024, 768, 0, 0, "tapestrea", fullscreen ) ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM_ERROR, "Audicle window initialization error; quitting!" ); return -3; } // launch audicle Audicle::instance()->init(); // add faces to the audicle Audicle::instance()->add( new UIAnalysis ); Audicle::instance()->add( new UISynthesis ); Audicle::instance()->add( new UIControl ); Audicle::instance()->add( new UISearch ); Audicle::instance()->add( new UIGroup ); Audicle::instance()->add( new ElciduaFace ); //Audicle::instance()->add( new ElciduaFace ); //Audicle::instance()->add( new UITreesynth ); // move to the initial face Audicle::instance()->move_to( (t_TAPUINT)0 ); } BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "initial working directory: %s", BirdBrain::our_start_dir == "" ? "NONE" : BirdBrain::our_start_dir.c_str() ); BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "TAPESTREA system ready..." ); // scripting engine and other inits in nogui mode if( !gui ) { // start up script engine (usually happens in synthesis face) #ifdef __TAPS_SCRIPTING_ENABLE__ // log BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "initializing scripting engine..." ); BB_pushlog(); // start it ScriptCentral::startup(); // start on last bus t_TAPUINT which_bus = AudioCentral::instance()->num_bus() - 2; // turn on frankenstein ScriptCentral::engine()->start_vm( AudioCentral::instance()->bus( which_bus ) ); // pop log BB_poplog(); BB_log( BB_LOG_INFO, "all set!" ); #endif } // command line control // start tcp server taps_sock = ck_tcp_create( 1 ); if( !taps_sock || !ck_bind( taps_sock, taps_port ) || !ck_listen( taps_sock, 10 ) ) { BB_log( BB_LOG_SYSTEM, "cannot bind to tcp port %i...", taps_port ); ck_close( taps_sock ); taps_sock = NULL; } else { // create cb thread #ifndef __PLATFORM_WIN32__ pthread_create( &taps_tid_cmd, NULL, cmd_cb, NULL ); #else taps_tid_cmd = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)cmd_cb, NULL, 0, 0 ); #endif } // usage print_usage(); // loop if( gui ) { // main loop AudicleGfx::loop(); } else { while( true ) usleep( 100000 ); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: print_usage() // desc: print usage //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void print_usage() { fprintf( stderr, "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'Ctrl + arrow' - switch faces\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'Ctrl + g' - toggle full screen\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'Ctrl + q' or 'apple + q' - quit\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'up or down arrow' - change volume\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'h' - toggle highlighting\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'1', '2', '3', ... - toggle zoom on different regions\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'0', 'esc' - zoom out\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'r' - toggle display of slider ranges\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "-----------------Analysis---------------------------\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'L' - toggle spectrogram selection rectangle line width\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "-----------------Synthesis--------------------------\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'Backspace' - delete selected template from library\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'N' - create new mixed bag\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'q' or 'z' - toggle display of quantization markers\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Right clicking on a template plays/stops it\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Drag to move templates onto/off/within a timeline\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "-----------------Control Face-----------------------\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Bus 0 - analysis\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Bus 2 - synthesis\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Bus 3 - group\n" ); #ifdef __TAPS_SCRIPTING_ENABLE__ fprintf( stderr, "Bus 7 - chuck scripts (default)\n" ); #endif fprintf( stderr, "-----------------Search Face-----------------------\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "All hidden commands\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "-----------------Command line----------------------\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--srate N'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set working sample rate to N Hz\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--frate N'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set maximum frame rate to N Hz\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--outchannels N'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set number of real-time audio output channels to N\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--inchannels N'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set number of real-time audio input channels to N\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--bufsize N'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set real-time audio output buffer size to N\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--maxrecord x'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set maximum number of seconds recorded to x\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--dir XXX'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set initial working directory to XXX\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--overtracking x'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " set sinusoidal analysis overtracking factor to x (float)\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " this finds <#sinetracks> * x peaks, but only saves <#sinetracks> tracks\n"); fprintf( stderr, "'--nogui'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " control synthesis from command line, with no gui\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--version'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " print version number and target\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--about' or '--help'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " print key mapping, usage, and version information\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "'--preprocess file1.wav file2.wav ... fileN.wav'\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " preprocess each wav file\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " outputs: file1.pp, file1.fft, file2.pp, file2.fft, ...\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " later in analysis face, load the .pp file\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " (this should be specified last, if at all)\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "----------------------------------------------------\n" ); version(); fprintf( stderr, "----------------------------------------------------\n" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: version() // desc: ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void version() { fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "TAPESTREA version: %s\n", TAPS_VERSION ); #if defined(__PLATFORM_WIN32__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: microsoft win32\n" ); #elif defined(__WINDOWS_DS__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: microsoft win32 + cygwin\n" ); #elif defined(__LINUX_ALSA__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: linux (alsa)\n" ); #elif defined(__LINUX_OSS__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: linux (oss)\n" ); #elif defined(__LINUX_JACK__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: linux (jack)\n" ); #elif defined(__MACOSX_UB__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: mac os x : universal binary\n" ); #elif defined(__MACOSX_CORE__) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: mac os x : intel\n" ); #elif defined(__MACOSX_CORE__) fprintf( stderr, " exe target: mac os x : powerpc\n" ); #else fprintf( stderr, " exe target: uh... unknown\n" ); #endif fprintf( stderr, " http://taps.cs.princeton.edu/\n\n" ); }