TAPESTREA : Sound Examples for Journal of New Music Research

home: http://taps.cs.princeton.edu

We present some re-compositions of sound recordings taken from the BBC Sound Effects Library. For each source sound template, this page includes information on the original CD and track, a brief excerpt from the actual track, and a re-synthesized version of the selectively extracted template. These templates were transformed and re-composed into an improvised piece (Etude I: Zoo, described in the JNMR paper) and later a more refined composition performed in concert (Etude II: Loom, also including a few other source sound templates). Both re-compositions are available here, though we strongly recommend the latter one!


CD 27, track 6, 69.4 to 70.8 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

CD 14, track 8, 0.5 to 7 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

Glass breaking
CD 18, track 13, 0.5 to 1.5 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

CD 9, track 12, 42.9 to 43.4 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

Bird chirp
CD 12, track 11, 19.8 to 20 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

Battlefield 1
CD 18, track 68, 31 to 31.5 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

Battlefield 2
CD 18, track 68, 0.5 to 0.8 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

Battlefield 3
CD 18, track 69, 1.47 to 1.97 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template

Battlefield 4
CD 18, track 69, 31.9 to 32.4 seconds
Original excerpt | Extracted template


Etude I: Zoo
Largely improvised example re-composition
2 channels

Etude II: Loom
More refined concert piece
2 channels | 8 channels

taps | soundlab | cs | music