TAPESTREA : Synthesis parameters

version: 0.1.x.x (tap tap)

home: http://taps.cs.princeton.edu

Name Range Default Valid templates Description
pan 0.000 to 1.000 0.500 deterministic, transient, background, raw, loop, timeline, mixed bag panning between left (0.0) and right (1.0) speakers
gain 0.100 to 10.000 1.000 deterministic, transient, background, raw, loop, timeline, mixed bag volume of selected template
freq-warp 0.010 to 100.000 1.000 deterministic, transient, raw, loop frequency warp amount (transients/raws do not attain full range)
time-stretch 0.010 to 100.000 1.000 deterministic, transient, raw, loop time stretch amount (transients/raws do not attain full range)
periodicity 0.000 to 1.000 0.500 loop, mixed bag periodicity at which a template is repeated
density 0.001 to 1000.000 0.500 loop, mixed bag average number of times a template is repeated per second
randomness 1.000 to 3.000 2.000 loop, mixed bag range for random freq-warp, time-stretch, pan and gain transformations on template; if the specified value of one of these parameters is P, its range is [P/randomness, P*randomness]
likelihood 0 to 20 1 mixed bag how often a template is played compared to other templates in the bag
play once true, false false mixed bag whether a template in the bag is played once or repeats
(wavelet tree)
0.001 to 1.000 0.250 background error in learning wavelet tree coefficients; P (percentage) parameter in original Dubnov et. al. paper
similarity 0.000 to 1.000 0.300 background fraction of predecessors considered at each level of wavelet tree learning
start-level 1 to 15 1 background level at which wavelet tree learning begins
stop-level 1 to 15 9 background level at which wavelet tree learning stops (for optimization)
total-levels 1 to 18 13 background total number of levels in wavelet tree, for lengthy sound files; 2^total-levels is the number of samples analyzed in one segment
analysis order true, false true background whether the learning algorithm considers ancestors (as in original algorithm, so true) or predecessors (false) first
more random true, false false background whether to randomly swap coefficients in the first level of learning instead of copying them directly, for slightly more structural randomness
duration 1.000 ms to 100.000 weeks 1.000 minute timeline duration of timeline

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